The Oliver Whitener -Roy Winkler Pavilions
The Roy Winkler Family Pavilion is a 90'x 50' covered Pavilion, complete with outdoor restrooms, picnic tables, overhead lighting, electricity, and a stage if requested. This space is perfect for reunions, graduation parties, wedding receptions, or even small live music events. All with the iconic silhouette of the Burton Farmers Gin in the background. See our brochure for information on pricing and awesome add on items!
The Wehring Shoe Shop & Residence
Built in 1916, featured on the National Register of Historic places, and home to 45 years worth of cobbler's tools and equipment. The Wehring House also features a charming board room, with attached kitchen. This space is perfect for Board meetings, business meeting or, different society meetings, with the ability to serve a meal out of the kitchen. Located directly next door to the Burton Farmers Gin. For pricing and add on information, please check out our brochure!